Llano Grande Board Members
Our board members include a wide range of professionals ranging from educational leaders to local youth, who bring specific strengths to the leadership of our group. The inclusion of youth on our board is a testament of the Center’s commitment to bridge the gap between youth and adults, and provide a safe space for youth voice and opportunities for development.
Dr. MIGUEL GUAJARDO, an assistant professor of educational and community leadership at Texas State University, worked with his brother Francisco in establishing the Llano Grande Center. As the board chair, he continues to provide insight based on his expertise in education and nonprofit management.
EDYAEL CASAPERALTA graduated from EEHS and the Llano Grande Center in 2001. After graduating from Occidental College in 2005, she returned to the Valley to work with the Center for several months before attending Ohio University, where she earned her master’s degree in Latin American Studies in 2007. She currently works as a field-based researcher for CRS.
DANIEL GOMEZ graduated valedictorian from the EEHS class of 1997. He completed his undergraduate studies at Yale University where he earned his bachelor of science degree in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. He later earned his master’s degree in Physician Assistant Studies from UTPA and works as a physician assistant in pediatrics.
Dr. RUDOLFO ROCHA has been a leader in both public and higher education for 40 years. In addition, he has been a long time community organizer. Dr. Rocha’s legacy is measured by the number of students he has mentored to achieve their potential.
MARIBEL SAENZ is an undergraduate student at Texas A&M University who has been a part of Llano Grande’s work since she was a sophomore at Edcouch-Elsa High School. During her time with the Center, she led many student initiatives, including the Tomorrow’s Leaders Today group, which now acts as a youth advisory committee for the City of Elsa, and led work to help begin renovation plans for Mario Leal Park in Elsa.
GABRIELA TORRES is an undergraduate student at The University of Texas at Austin where she studies Latin American Studies, Photojournalism, and Mexican American Studies and has been involved with the Llano Grander Center since 2006. Gabriela currently coordinates a program for underprivileged teenagers in east Austin, is conducting research at the university investigating immigrant discrimination, and is an activist with ACLU for undocumented youth in the United States whose identities lie at the intersections of oppression.
JOSE TORRES is a graduate of Edcouch-Elsa High School class of 1983. He attended Texas State Technical Institute and graduated with an Associate of Applied Science Degree and worked in Austin, Texas as an Engineer Tech. He later graduated from the University of Texas – San Antonio in 1993 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering. In 2010, he formed BTI Engineering to assist communities with their infrastructure needs. Mr. Torres is actively involved in his community and has severed on several committees.